Determination of the enthalpy of vaporisation of liquids with Cobra4

螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 13.21.04 螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 13.21.28

Item no.: P3020461


The vaporisation of a liquid occurs with heat absorption. To determine the enthalpy of vaporisation, a known mass of the liquid which is to be investigated is vaporised in a special vaporisation vessel in a current of air. The quantity of heat absorbed, which corresponds to the enthalpy of vaporisation, can be calorimetrically determined.


  1. Determine the molar enthalpy of vaporisation of diethyl ether and methanol.
  2. Calculate the molar entropies of vaporisation and discuss the results under consideration of Trouton’s rule.

What you can learn about

  • Enthalpy of vaporisation
  • Enthalpy of condensation
  • Enthalpy pf sublimation
  • Vapour pressure
  • Entropy of vaporization
  • Clausius-Clapeyron equation
  • Trouton’s rule
  • Law of thermodynamics
  • Calorimetry

Necessary accessories

  • Precision balance 620g/0.001g
  • Precision balance 6200g/0.01g

Software included. Computer not provided.