Characteristic X-rays of copper

螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.36.23 螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.36.39

Item no.: P2540101


Spectra of X-rays from a copper anode are analyzed using different monocrystals and the results plotted graphically. The energies of the characteristic lines are then determined from the positions of the glancing angles for the various orders of diffraction.


  1. Record the intensity of the X-rays emitted by the copper anode as a function of the Bragg angle using a LiF monocrystal as  analyzer.
  2. Step 1 is to be repeated using the KBr monocrystal as analyzer.
  3. Calculate the energy values of the characteristic copper lines and compare them with the energy differences of the copper energy terms.

What you can learn about

  • Bremsstrahlung
  • Characteristic radiation
  • Energy levels
  • Crystal structures
  • Lattice constant
  • Absorption
  • Absorption edges
  • Interference
  • Order of diffraction

Software included. Computer not provided.