![螢幕截圖 2016-03-14 10.37.27](http://www.sfscientific.com/science/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/螢幕截圖-2016-03-14-10.37.27.png)
ESN-Fluid Mechanics
Item no.: 08 System include: Fluid Friction in Pipes, with Hydraulics Bench (FME00) (AFTC) Flow Channels (section: 80 mm) (CFC) Radial Flow Turbine (TFRC) Multipump Testing Bench (PBOC) Centrifugal Fan Teaching Trainer (HVCC)
Item no.: 08 System include: Fluid Friction in Pipes, with Hydraulics Bench (FME00) (AFTC) Flow Channels (section: 80 mm) (CFC) Radial Flow Turbine (TFRC) Multipump Testing Bench (PBOC) Centrifugal Fan Teaching Trainer (HVCC)
Item no.: F03 Introduction Why does spring water come out the ground continuously? How does a ship bear large loads while sail on the sea? How did Archimedes test and figure out the material of pure gold? How does a magician put a needle through a ballon without explosion? That is due to some special