Muscle stretch reflex & determination of the conducting velocity

Item no.: P4030211 Principle Tapping the Achilles tendon stretches the calf muscle and causes a reflex contraction in the muscle. This happens because the spindles sense the stretch and send an action potential to the motor neurons which then cause the muscle to contract. The amplitude of the muscle action potential is higher with tensed arm musculature

We investigate our physical fitness – the heart under stress with Cobra4

Item no.: P1522160 Principle An electrocardiogram (ECG) can record the sum of the electrical activities of all of the heart muscle fibres. Under stress, cardiac activity increases in order to maintain the stability of the cardiovascular system. The heart contraction cannot be controlled at will. This experiment enables you to study how physical stress affects

Doppler sonography

Item no.: P5950100 Principle This set-up shows how blood flow studies are performed using Doppler ultrasound (Doppler sonograph). On a realistic arm dummy, the differences between continuous (venous) and pulsating (arterial) flow are shown as well as the difference in flow through a normal blood vessel and a stenosis. Tasks Analyse blood flow and search

Recording of nerve & muscle potentials by mechanical stimulation at the rear end of an earthworm with Cobra3

Item no.: P4010111 Principle Earthworms have a median giant nerve fibre, which reacts to stimulation at the front end, and two lateral giant fibres, which can be stimulated at the rear end.  The experiment covers the following topics: the course of a biphasic action potential over time, estimation of the conduction velocity and coding of

Photosynthesis with Cobra4

Item no.: P4110260 Principle Photosynthesis leads to the production of oxygen, which in turn causes the pressure to rise. In this experiment the photosynthesis rate of a plant is determined by measuring the oxygen pressure increase, in white and green light as well as in the dark. Tasks To compare the increase in oxygen pressure

Measuring reading skills with Cobra4

Item no.: P1522260 Principle With this experiment, you can determine your own personal reading speed. One’s reading speed can be trained and is an important prerequisite for the proper handling of all kinds of texts. You can precisely study the movement of your eyes during the measurement. Tasks Explore your reading behaviour reading easy and

Comparison of the heat capacities of water & soil with Cobra4

Item no.: P4100160 Principle These measurements help to quickly and simply introduce the term “heat capacity”. The students learn on which characteristics temperature changes of surfaces depend. As practical example, reference can always be made here to the hot sand at the seaside. Tasks To prepare comparison curves showing the different heat capacities of water