Equation of state for ideal gases with Cobra4

(gas laws: Gay-Lussac, Amontons, Boyle) Item no.: P2320160 Principle The state of a gas is determined by temperature, pressure and amount of substance. For the limiting case of ideal gases, these state variables are linked via the general equation of state. For a change of state under isochoric conditions this equation becomes Amontons’ law. In

Ultrasonic echography (A-Scan)

Item no.: P5160200 Principle An ultrasonic wave transmitted in a sample will be reflected at discontinuities (defects, cracks). From the relationship between the time of flight of the reflected wave and the sound velocity, the distance between ultrasonic transducer and defects (reflector) can be calculated. Position and size of these defects can be determined by

Interference by two identical ultrasonic transmitters

Item no.: P2151915 Principle Ultrasonic waves of the same frequency, amplitude and direction of propagation are generated by two sources of sound positioned parallel to each other. The sources can vibrate both in-phase and out of-phase. The angular distribution of the intensity of the waves, which interfere with each other, is automatically recorded using a

Forced oscillations – Pohl’s pendulum

Item no.: P2132701 Principle If an oscillating system is allowed to swing freely it is observed that the decrease of successive maximum amplitudes is highly dependent on the damping. If the oscillating system is stimulated to swing by an external periodic torque, we observe that in the steady state the amplitude is a function of

Mechanics of flow

Item no.: P5140100 Principle The ultrasonic Doppler effect is used for studying the laws of steadily and laminarly flowing liquids in a tube circuit, which form the basis of numerous technical applications. The experiment focuses particularly on the relationship between the flow velocity and the crosssectional tube area (continuity condition) as well as on the

Laws of gyroscopes/ cardanic gyroscope

Item no.: P2132000 Principle If the axis of rotation of the force-free gyroscope is displaced slightly, a nutation is produced. The relationship between precession frequency or nutation frequency and gyro-frequency is examined for different moments of inertia. Additional weights are applied to a gyroscope mounted on gimbals, so causing a precession. Tasks To determine the precession

Series for secondary schools

Item no.: 44xx No. 4410 Set No. I. Cells, Tissues and Organs 13 Microscope Slides. With depictured accompanying brochure 4401d: Simple animal cells in sec. of salamander liver 4402d: Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of mitosis. 4403c: Ranunculus, buttercup, t.s. of a typical dicot root. 4404e: Monocot and dicot stems, two t.s. for