Photosynthesis with Cobra4

螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.13.04 螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.13.23 螢幕截圖 2016-03-15 10.22.55  螢幕截圖 2016-03-15 10.22.36

Item no.: P4110260


Photosynthesis leads to the production of oxygen, which in turn causes the pressure to rise. In this experiment the photosynthesis rate of a plant is determined by measuring the oxygen pressure increase, in white and green light as well as in the dark.


  1. To compare the increase in oxygen pressure during photosynthesis in white light, green light and in the dark.
  2. To discuss the reasons for the differences of the pressure curve rise.

What you can learn about

  • Photosynthesis
  • Intensity and colour of the light
  • Pressure measurement