Faraday effect

螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.21.51 螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.22.03

Item no.: P2260100


The angle of rotation of the polarisation- plane of plane polarised light through a flint glass rod is found to be a linear function of the product of the mean flux-densitiy and the length of the optical medium. The factor of proportionally, called Verdet’s constant, is investigated as a function of the wavelength and the optical medium.


  1. To determine the magnetic flux-densitiy between the pole pieces using the axial Hall probe of the teslameter for different coil currents. The mean flux-density is calculated by numerical integration and the ratio maximum flux-density over mean flux-density established.
  2. To measure the maximum flux- density as a function of the coil current and to establish the relationship between mean flux-density and coil current anticipating that the ratio found under 1. remains constant.
  3. To determine the angle of rotation as a function of the mean fluxdensity using different colour filters. To calculate the corresponding Verdet’s constant in each case.
  4. To evaluate Verdet’s constant as a function of the wavelength.

What you can learn about

  • Electromagnetic field interaction
  • Electron oscillation
  • Electromagnetism
  • Polarisation
  • Verdet’s constant
  • Hall effect